NaturalShrimp: The Next Generation Of Shrimp Aquaculture
POSTED: Dec, 29 2020
Seeking Alpha published an article about NaturalShrimp. The Summary is shown below but the you can access the full article at:
- NaturalShrimp has solved a 50 year problem in the aquaculture industry with their patented process that grows fresh, healthy, environmentally sustainable seafood without the use of antibiotics or chemicals.
- NaturalShrimp has applied for listing on the NASDAQ which will be a tipping point allowing institutional investors and capital to flow into their growing business.
- Shrimp is the significantly highest consumed seafood in the United States.
- Massive scalability potential in the growing domestic shrimp market that currently sees only 5% of shrimp consumption coming from United States producers.
- In the words of CEO Gerald Easterling, SHMP will “rise from the ashes”